About Baby Crib Mobile Bed Bell Toy Holder Arm Bracket and Wind-up Music Box
- Baby Crib Mobile Bed Bell Toy Holder Arm Bracket and Wind-up Music Box
- Category : Musical Instruments, Other Musical Instruments
Description:Description:Color:WhiteMaterial: ABS And Metal Music Box InsideBefore a live audience speed: 12-20Full before a live audience time: 2-3air: Brahms lullaby
Features:1.Make your own musical mobile holder2.Hook Rotates while before a live audience music,you can pause while before a live audience.3.A cute gift for baby,friends and for yourself.
How to use:Rotating the protruding pin, then release, the music box will play music. If you want to pause the music, push the pin on the music box.
Refund:1.Light music helps your baby simpler fall asleep2.Music may even help strengthen premature babies3.Music plays a crucial role in âwiringâ your babyâs brain for culture.4.Listening to music will help teach yo… .
Baby Crib Mobile Bed Bell Toy Holder Arm Bracket and Wind-up Music Box
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Baby Crib Mobile Bed Bell Toy Holder Arm Bracket and Wind-up Music Box