Designs contained in the Silhouette Design Store owned and copyrighted by their respective artists and licensed to Silhouette America, Inc. for distribution . Oracle acquired Sun Microsystems in 2010, and since that time Oracle's hardw and softw engineers have worked side-by-side to build fully integrated systems and . 8 Musical Handbell/Deskbell Kit in Storage Case (Age 3+)
About 8 Musical Handbell/Deskbell Kit in Storage Case (Age 3+)
- This super desk set comes with 8 color-coded hand/desk bells (H 5.375 inches) manifest with the note name and number code on the handle; Range is from C to c
- Also included, a Hager Color-Ring Songbook containing 19 songs with melodies and chord secret code; Melodies are in black and white with large, simple to read notes and a chart at the bottom of each page showing which bells are used for before a live audience melodies and chords
- Set also has a One Ringing in Color DVD to help with genteel technique, rhythm and participation featuring class and performance situations from preschool to 8th Grade.
- Your Deskbell Set comes in its own zip-up nylon Bell Bag with carrying handle for simple travel and storage
- Suitable for Age: 3+ years; Deskbell Dimensions: See also 8 handbell starter kit and 25 Resonator Bell and 8 Resonator Chime Bar Sets under break listings
Westco continually strive for new product innovations and seek out and develop harvest that meet exacting expectations of quality, safety and musicality. Westco Music instruments are vital tools to empower and positively impact the lives of those who play them or instruct with them. They are very often used in cross-curricular experiences both in home-schooling and classroom environments in order to make richer and higher levels of date…. .
8 Musical Handbell/Deskbell Kit in Storage Case (Age 3+)
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8 Musical Handbell/Deskbell Kit in Storage Case (Age 3+)